드래곤 에이지: 인퀴지션 (Dragon Age: Inquisition) 편안한 게임을 위한 모드 설치 이야기

드래곤 에이지: 인퀴지션 (Dragon Age: Inquisition)  편안한 게임을 위해서는 모드 설치가 필요하다.


간단 간단하게.. ^^



1. Sprint key


Sprint key

Holding LShift (or LThumb) now lets you sprint, out or in battle.



2. Intuitive Controls Mod


Intuitive Controls Mod

Overhauls the game controls and camera, allowing more fluid and intuitive gameplay. It is now feasible to play without frequent pauses or cumbersome camera adjustments.


드래곤 에이지 인퀴지션 조작을 요즘 FPS 기반 RPG 처럼 바꿔준다. 

기본 마우스가 숨겨지고 화면 가운데 에임선이 나타나 액션 모드 상태에서도 전술 모드처럼 타깃 설정이 가능하여, 매번 전술 모드로 들어가 파티원 별로 타깃 지정과 스킬 명령을 내려야 했던 것을 액션 모드 상태에서도 가능하게 해 주어서 전투 편의성이 좋아진다. 

주의할 점이 있는데 일반 모드들처럼 프로스티로 설치해선 안되고 다운받은 압축 파일 안의 파일들을 DAI 실행 파일(DragonAgeInquisition.exe)이 있는 인퀴지션 기본 설치 폴더에 넣으면 된다. 

그리고 설정의 컨트롤 부분에서 마우스 버튼 전환(Swap mouse buttons)을 아니오로 설정해야 제대로 작동한다. 

오리진 유저의 경우 '게임 내 오리진 활성화'가 되어 있으면 제대로 동작하지 않는다. 

그 외 설명은 압축파일 안에 동봉된 readme.txt 파일을 참고할 것. 


- 마우스 드래그 : 카메라 움직임 - 마우스 왼쪽 버튼 : 기본 공격 

- 마우스 오른쪽 버튼 : 상호 작용. 누르고 있을 경우 마우스 모드로 전환. 

- 마우스 가운데 버튼 : 타깃 락인 및 자동 기본 공격. 전술 모드로 들어가 공격 명령을 내려야만 가능한 자동 추적+자동 공격을 마우스 가운데 키 한 번으로 가능하게 해 준다. 전술 모드에서 내린 명령과 동일하게 액션 모드의 AI보다 우선하며, 무엇보다 직접 플레이 중인 캐릭터도 해당 공격을 수행하기 때문에 근접 캐릭터를 플레이할 시 매우 유용하다. 빈 공간을 클릭하면 타깃 락인이 해제된다. 이 기능은 "자동 공격(SP)" 키 바인딩이 유효한 키에 할당되어 있어야 쓸 수 있다. 이 설정을 변경했으면 게임을 다시 시작해야 적용된다. 

- L-SHIFT 버튼 : 버튼을 누르고 있는 동안 화면이 고정된 채 에임선만 움직여서 타겟 설정이 가능하다. 버튼을 떼면 기본 위치로 되돌아간다.


3. Quicker Looting



Quicker Looting

Disables the looting animation.



4. More Banter



More Banter

Banter now activates consistently and more frequently.



5. Speed Launch


Speed Launch

Boot the game at lightning speed



6. Complete War Table Operations without waiting - for Frosty


Complete War Table Operations without waiting - for Frosty

This is a *complete* editing of the War Table Operations including all DLC ops, built in the Frosty Mod Editor. Every operation has been edited to have no time wait, or a very (<2min) l



7. ConversationCameraZoom for Frosty



ConversationCameraZoom for Frosty

Frosty compatible ConversationCameraZoom.



8. No More Fog of War



No More Fog of War

Removes the fog of war from maps.



9. Bugs be gone


Bugs Be Gone

Aims to rid Inquisition of its lingering issues and bugs.



10. More Inquisition Levels



More Inquisition Levels

Allows Inquisition leveling to 30 and a total of 34 perk points. 1 for each perk.



11. 60 fps in cutscenes for Frosty MM



60 fps in cutscenes for Frosty MM

Contains two different ways to unlock 60 frames in cutscenes for the gorgeous Frosty mods.


frosty모드매니저에서는 70 프레임으로 뜨는 버그로 자막싱크가 밀리므로

해결법 : 프로스티 매니저 실행아이콘 바로가기 만들고 속성 들어가서

대상(T) 칸 적힌 거 바로뒤에 '스페이스바' 한 칸 뛰고 '-launch Default -GameTime.MaxSimFps 60 -GameTime.ForceSimRate 60+'입력하고 바로가기로 실행할 것

물론 모드 첫 적용 시는 바로가기로 실행하면 안 됨


12. Increase Inventory Capacity



Increase Inventory Capacity

This mod allows you to increase the players inventory capacity by a variable amount.



13. Infinite Uses Respec Amulet



Infinite Uses Respec Amulet

The respec amulet can now be used infinite times as it is no longer destroyed when equipped. Simply equip and unequip it whenever you want to restore all your ability points.



14. Open All Halla Doors



Open All Halla Doors

Allows you to open all halla doors at the Winter Palace during Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts



